Lost Wishes Mud

From In The Wings
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Sailing Aliases

   Sail To:             Alias Name:        Alias:
   Aspetar-                 sasp           sail 180,475
   Atoll-                   satl           sail 600,-10
   Central-                 sctrl          sail 0,0
   Dawn-                    sdawn          sail 210,300
   Darkmoore-               sdrk           sail -270,330
   Elmet-                   selm           sail -269,327
   Emerald-                 seme           sail -273,321
   Esdragen-                sesd           sail -107,66
   Kaendora, Lost Isles of- skae           sail 88,-166
   Kindre Island-           sknd           sail 142,31
   Kingdom of Kells-        skll           sail -195,-65
   Kingdom of Temra-        stmr           sail -205,-60
   Halmouth, Port city of-  shlm           sail -280,330
   Imperial City-           simp           sail -330,330
   Island of Makita-        smak           sail 400,150
   Isle of Serenity-        ssrn           sail -210,-80
   Isle of Terror-          siot           sail -262,328
   Isle of War-             siow           sail -273,309
   Mainland-                smld           sail 340,-110
   Nautica-                 snat           sail 5,-45
   Nautica Cemetary-        sntc           sail 15,-45
   Necro Isle-              snec           sail 358,-135
   Newbie Island-           snwb           sail 10,10
   Noamuth Island-          snoi           sail 120,-103
   Orca-                    sorc           sail -300,85
   Player Village-          spv            sail -75,-109
   Skull Island-            sski           sail 280,-135
   Shedcar (minor port)-    sshd           sail -263,326
   Sorrow-                  ssrw           sail -54,-340
   Rogue's Island-          srog           sail 54,208
   Tanica-                  stan           sail 121,101
   Tanica Crypt-            stac           sail 125,98
   Tanica Point-            stap           sail 118,93
   Treasure Island-         stid           sail -620,-220

Useful aliases

  • alias alive cwho +name +level +glevel +guild +idle active
  • alias idlers cwho +name +level +glevel +guild +idle idle
  • alias ca do convert copper to silver,convert silver to gold,convert gold to platinum

Useful commands

  • last <chat,newbie,team,tell,echoall,spam,game,etc.>
  • reply <message>
  • comm set commname <name>
  • visname <name> ehist
  • toggle compass <on/off> uptime
  • nickname <nickname> <person> areainfo
  • keep <item/all> secrets
  • party autohp <person> shape <mob/person>
  • finger keeve
  • finger twinkle
  • finger aahz