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Revision as of 18:34, 7 March 2007

Suse 10 Enterprise

A recent problem I faced with this distribution was caused by a combination of OpenLDAP and autofs. The problem stemmed from a difference in the way autofs can be stored in OpenLDAP. The older format stipulates a format such as this: /home ldap:nisMapName=auto.home,dc=blah,dc=blah2 -rw,async,nfsvers=3,udp The newer format is looking for a format like this: /home ldap ldap://<host>/basedn Eventually the fix was found to be to add a line to the /etc/init.d/autofs script that output a properly formatted automount string: (in getmounts_ldap() section)

    maptype=`echo $maptype | sed -e 's/:/\ /g'`
    echo "$DAEMON $daemonoptions $dir $maptype \"$map\""
